The Town of Jay is happy to announce we were awarded the DEC Smart Growth Grant in the amount of $66,690 for our Comprehensive Plan Update. This grant will help fund the consultant for this project, which will cost around $75,000. While applying for this grant, the Town Board agreed to fund up the balance with occupancy tax, therefore not passing any cost onto the taxpayers. The recommendation for updating this guidance document is every 7-10 years. The last update to the town’s comprehensive plan was in 1997. Our next step is to put this project out to bid for a consultant. Once we hire the consultant, we will be asking for participation from Town of Jay residents to help guide this process. After all, this will be your chance to help shape the future of the town.
The tentative tax roll is out for 2024 and available at the Town Clerk’s office. You should be receiving your new assessed value of your property in the next few days. This year, in order to keep a 100% equalization rate with the state, the Town of Jay assessed value increased around 20% again. If you would like to sit down and chat with Town of Jay Assessor Timothy Gay about your assessed value, he is available for appointment on 5/14 from 4:00pm-8:00pm and on 5/17, 5/18, 5/21 between 9:00am-1:00pm. This year Grievance Day is Tuesday, May 28.
Over the weekend, I was honored to be asked to attend the Au Sable Forks Fire Department’s annual Awards Banquet. The dedication of these volunteers who are ready at a moment’s notice does not go unnoticed. This year, Rookie of the Year was Kobe Pelkey, Most Improved went to Matthew Flack, The Michael Nugent Safety Award winner was Seth Bushey, the Al Rougeau Memorial Award (formerly the Most Dedicated Award) went to Louis Garso, the Chief’s Award recipient was Erin Himmel and Firefighter of the Year was Trevor Gravelle. Mary Lincoln was recognized for 10 continuous years as Treasurer. Congratulations to everyone and thank you for your service to our community.
Hope you have a great week,